How long has BULLDOGSEAL been around?

BULLDOGSEAL was developed by Naas Nel a Chemical Engineer in 1997. Naas has been involved in the development of products for the Waterproofing industry for the past 40 years. He has vast experience over a wide range of applications.

Early in 2015, Naas and his wife handed the business over to their daughter and her business associate who operate under the company name of Urban Tribes (Pty) Ltd. Urban Tribes now manufacture BULLDOGSEAL to the same high standard of quality and service that customers have come to expect.

How important is the preparation of the surface?

It is crucial. Always make sure that old waterproofing (if applicable) is removed as far as possible and that the surface is cleaned and repaired (if required) before commencing with waterproofing. Steel brushes are effective for cleaning surfaces and clean water may be used to rinse away dust and dirt. Please ensure that the surface is completely dry before you start applying the BULLDOGSEAL.

Can I use a roller for large surfaces?

No, Rollers should never be used to apply BULLDOGSEAL, as the rollers tend to lift the fibres. For large surfaces we recommend using block brushes or soft brooms.

The BULLDOGSEAL has been standing in my cupboard for 6 months, can I still use it?

You should be able to. The normal shelf life of BULLDOGSEAL is 12 months from production date. The production date is noted on each container. Start by shaking or stirring the contents well.

Look at the product and paint a bit out onto a piece of cardboard. If it paints out well, you should be able to make use of it. We also keep retention samples of each batch and will be happy to assist by checking the batch retention sample for you as well. Please contact us to discuss.

Remember to seal the container well after use.

How can I be assured of Quality and consistency.

BULLDOGSEAL is manufactured using the ISO 9001 method. The process is constantly controlled and monitored. Following production, each batch of BULLDOGSEAL is checked and tested for a number of criteria, ensuring consistency and quality in the product you receive.

How can I be assured of Quality and consistency.

Refer to Usage Instructions where different applications are detailed. You are welcome to contact us to discuss in further detail.

How much BULLDOGSEAL do I need for my project? (Coverage)

Refer to Usage Instructions where different applications are detailed. You are welcome to contact us to discuss in further detail.

What colours are available?

Over the years we have found most people prefer the grey tones of colour. (White, Grey, Charcoal).

BULLDOGSEAL can easily be over-coated with normal water based paints.